Hello! I'm Joe Harley! Welcome to my super fucking cool Homegirl Internet Folder Thing! Why am I here? ============== I'm here for research purposes actually, for a long time I have considered creating a fantasy console that could easily be exposed to the internet! My prototype name for this was: I.C.F.U.S. - It Came From Userspace Basically, it was pretty much the same as this, except the UI more closely mimicked RISC OS on the Acorn Archimedes (Wikipedia it!) I must admit, I've fallen in love with how Homegirl deals with sharing internet content, it's something I wish to clone somewhat. Do you have a proper website? ============================= Yes: https://jjharley.co.uk Please check out both! How much stuff will you put here? ================================= A fair bit, just experimental stuff for fun! -- joeharley